200507 Sharp發展出MBE Blue-LED
200703 Sharp 發表高功率藍光 LED作為Blu-Disc讀寫頭
Matsushita - Panasonic
Seoul Semiconductor
Seoul Semicoductor 是目前能見度最高的韓國LED公司。
在5月Nichia控告Seoul Semiconductor在日本的銷售的白色LED“Z-Power LED P9”系列侵犯Nichia的專利。日亞化表示被侵害的是第3511970號專利和第2778349號專利兩項,均與採用了GaN類半導體的發光元件有關。其後Seoul提出說明,Nichia提出控告的侵 權LED產品是採用CREE的晶粒並且與Nichia有交叉授權。惟銷往日本的部分產品參雜一部分的SemiLeds的晶粒,以致造成對Nichia侵權的疑慮,Seoul已經著手調查產品混雜出貨銷往日本的原因。詳細內容請見以下報導:
200705 Nichia 控告 Souel Semiconductor
20050518 Seoul Simiconductor 投書 LED Magazine
20061213 Nichia settles US patent litigation, loses case in Korea。
雖然Seoul在一般型的LED不能與大廠相匹敵,但是Seoul另外一項產品卻吸引我的興趣。那就是交流電LED。LED的發光原理是利用電子在PN Juntion的能階差,產生光能。也就是說只能使用單向的電流通過PN Juntion發出光能。這就是英文LED中有Diode二極體的原因。
200704 首爾半導體發表2種交流驅動的燈泡色LED
三星投入LED研發的歷史在2002年就有相關的報導,在去年有比較大的動作,今年更是擴產。三星家大業大,集團內的三星電機(Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co.,SEMCO)自己生產LED而不是如奇美採用入股現有廠商的模式。
200605 Samsung 入股 Intematix
200605 Samsung Electro-Mechanics has established an LED research center
200705 Samsung 向 AIXTRON 訂購兩台 MOCVD 機臺
公司過去曾遭日亞化控訴侵權,其後公司發布新聞稿,說明已經取得Toyoda Gosei的晶粒授權與Intematix的螢光粉授權。
最後核准變更日期 : 095年11月21日
序號 職稱 姓名 持有股份數
0001 董事長 詹世雄 4,586,813
0002 董事 趙宏耀 389,981
0003 董事 中華開發工銀 4,719,466
0004 董事 胡次熙 0
0005 董事 林伯祥 0
0006 監察人 李素琴 713,392
0007 監察人 曾 裕 0
0008 監察人 蔡玉琴 0
目前先進開發光電私募的結果如何,還沒有公告出來,所以鴻海有沒有興趣,我是不知道。公司將在96/6/29 召開股東會,看會不會爆料啦。
週四, 06/28/2007 - 11:09
先前觀點,所言不假 ...
鴻海集團布局LED產業更完整 沛鑫取得先進電8.9%股權
一股都沒有 ...
回覆刪除有什麼好恭喜的 ...
2007-07-17 中東阿布達比私募基金挾銀彈到訪億光爆量漲停再創新天價
回覆刪除我只能說億光的主力出的真是漂亮 ..
晶電 2008 年中將量展 AC LED
ITRI develops alternate current LEDs
February 04, 2008 - While ordinary 110 volt AC power must be converted to DC with a lower voltage for LED usage, at a cost and efficiency loss, Taiwan's Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) has developed an alternate current light emitting diode (ACLED) with a luminous efficacy of 50lm/W, which does not need a AC-DC converter.
Taiwan-based LED maker Tyntek, Epistar and Forward Electronics, a Tatung subsidiary, expect to commence ACLED volume production by this June with a monthly capacity of one million units.
The ACLED made by ITRI can operate directly from an AC power supply at 60Hz/110V without the need for an AC-DC converter and it can be applied in indicators and neon lights. In addition to ITRI, US and Korean makers also possess ACLED Technology.
回覆刪除Sharp Turns On LED Lighting Market
The Japanese company is scheduled to introduce 11 models of fixtures using light-emitting diodes, also known as LEDs, to light up factories and other commercial spaces starting Sept. 1. Sharp is targeting the Japanese market first, noting that industrial and office buildings in the country use roughly twice as much electricity as residential buildings.
LED light fixtures generated about $295 million in revenues last year and are expected to reach $407 million in revenues in 2008, according to market-research firm Databeans. In comparison, the conventional light-fixture market, which includes traditional and more energy-efficient incandescent and florescent lights, accounted for about $107.3 billion last year and is expected to reach $114 billion this year.
用於辦公室和工廠的直線型有照射面面板為透明(“DL-N001N”)、乳白色(“DL-N002N”)和半透明(“DL- N006N”)的三種產品。其特點是發光效率高。DL-N001N的發光效率達到74lm/W,為“業界最高”(該公司)。亮度相當於兩個FLR40型螢光燈,而耗電量則可減少25%。另外,乳白色和半透明面板通過採用聚碳酸酯材料減小了光的吸收,同時通過提高LED布設面的反射率,“可利用LED發出的 8~9成的光”(夏普)。普通螢光燈用的丙烯面板會使亮度衰減至6~7成左右,而應用液晶電視的背照燈技術抑制了衰減。此外,夏普還提供了在LED前面設置聚光鏡,只局部照射正下方的直下式高照度型產品。正下方3m處的照度為1000lx,是透明面板型的約5倍,設想用於屋頂高的工廠走廊等。用於辦公室的方型(“DL-A001N”)與DL-N006N一樣,配備半透明面板,可4級調光。價格方面,直線型為9萬日元(不含稅),方型為19萬日元(不含稅)。
筒燈型LED共有兩類,分別是相當於150W(150型)和100W(100型)白熾燈,每類依發光顏色和前面板不同,又各有三種產品。晝白色透明面板的150型(“DL-D007N”)實現了1400lm的亮度,“在筒燈LED中為業界最高”(該公司)。耗電量方面,150型為27.5W,100型為 20W,是白熾燈的大約1/5左右。此外,為了延長壽命,通過熱流體分析優化了散熱片的風扇扇葉間隔,並採用了促進自然對流的結構,從而抑制了溫度上升。價格方面(均不含稅),150型的晝白色為5萬2000日元,150型的燈泡色為5萬6000日元,100型的晝白色為4萬2000日元,100型的燈泡色為4萬6000日元。晝白色產品的前面板有兩種,分別是乳白型和透明型。
中文名稱為旭明光電。被Nichia告,仍要入股,光寶也急著掌握LED 上游晶圓。
如果2448等上游廠尋代工模式非垂直整合策略, 那應想辦法廣結客戶並盡量滿足需求,以達最大經濟規模,共創雙贏.而非掐人咽喉,反而增加兢爭對手....百思不得其解....
不知道 2448 是否未來像
回覆刪除LCD IC 的聯詠,對手越來越多; 亦或是 2330,對手越來越少...
>2448等上游廠尋代工模式非垂直整合策略, 那應想辦法廣結客戶並盡量滿足需求,以達最大經濟規模,共創雙贏.而非掐人咽喉,反而增加兢爭對手....百思不得其解....
回覆刪除有啊 ...晶電有廣結善緣嗎?
5大只有 Lumileds 不對盤
國內的LED 中下游或多或少都是晶電的客戶啊
光寶在找 second source 就像億光找廣鎵一樣,找到料源,還可賺差價
你是老闆 你做不做??
>2448 是否未來像
回覆刪除LCD IC 的聯詠,對手越來越多; 亦或是 2330,對手越來越少...
回覆刪除In related news, Lite-On has also approved plans to invest US$10 million at US-based high-performance LED (HPLED) maker SemiLEDs to build a strategic alliance. Terng pointed out that the alliance frees Lite-On from any patent issues related to HPLEDs as the metallo-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) equipment that SemiLEDs uses is different to that of its rivals.
m ... 光寶入主的原因之一可能有比較便宜的料源,然後 RBCN 真的可以注意了,他專產4吋以上的藍寶石晶片。
Taiwan’s Semi-Photonics Co Ltd (a subsidiary of SemiLEDs Corporation) ordered an Aixtron AIX 2800G4 HT production MOCVD system in 11x4 inch wafer configuration in Q2/2008, for delivery by the end of this year. Semi-Photonics will use the system to begin its transition from 2-inch to 4-inch wafers for SemiLEDs’ new 4-inch UHB GaN-based LED line.
請問, 四吋跟兩吋到底有甚麼不一樣??
回覆刪除矽晶圓也是從 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 6 -> 8 -> 12 這樣長大的。
了解! 謝啦!! 馬來西亞Dominate是很重要廠商嗎? 今天有上報....
回覆刪除怎樣可以認識你啊? 我很崇拜你耶!!
yak ... 太噁心了吧。
回覆刪除Dominant 應該是東南亞的 LED 下游一哥,哥大教授的控告對象也有它,應該還算是一個角色。
算了! 小氣鬼!
回覆刪除中光電究竟有沒有做 MacBook Air 的背光?
回覆刪除內田洋行與南韓三星電機(Samsung Electro-Mechanics)宣佈,簽署了以推進LED照明業務為目的的一籃子業務合作備忘錄(MOU)。今後兩公司將推進應用三星電機的LED 模組、電源和無線控制等技術以及內田洋行的LED照明控制技術的環保型LED照明產品的開發和研究。另外,還將把研究開發出來的技術與內田洋行的空間設計技術相組合、使用ICT(資訊通信技術)來開發統一控制LED照明和資訊設備的系統。
Sharp 與 Nichia 簽訂專利授權
日本大廠夏普(Sharp)公司宣佈,已經與LED大廠日亞化(Nichia Corporation)簽訂LED、雷射二極管(Laser Diode)的交互授權協議。
The LED manufacturers like Philips/Lumiled, Osram, Nichia, Cree, Toyoda Gosei, GE have started scaling up LED manufacturing using 4" wafers. They are intensely pursuing the reduction in price which is the main penetration barrier for LED. LED lamps ares 7-9 times the price of CFL. 20% drop in price is achieved every year. These companies have contracted for manufacturing LED Luminaire with companies in Asia to bring down the price. Efforts are also underway to scale up the MOCVD growth to reduce the price. Aixtron and VEECO are updating their MOCVD equipments to handle multiplicy of 4" wafers. The yield is on the rise. Efforts are underway by companies like "Blu Glass" operating from Australia to employ glass wafers to substantially reduce the price of LEDs. Plenty of LED driver companies are competing in increasing the efficiency and reducing the price of drivers that go in to the LED Lumminaire.
版主似乎與法人研究機構有關。SHARP在LED產業的著墨到底如何?在法人的研究報告中幾乎都在講5大家族(怎麼感覺好像黑手黨五大家族)哩~我只知道SHARP在III-V SOLAR CELL有一定的水準因此要跨進LED應該也不是難事,但問題在於專利強度如何?
Sharp 就我目前所知是維二量產產Blu-Ray用 LED 的廠商,另外一家是Nichia,大概就可以知道它在近紫外線的藍光LED研發能力如何了。
不過節能產業是日本各家電子廠的著墨的領域,Sharp 在太陽能有好的發展,自然會想跨入另外一個節能產品的領域。不過Sharp的步伐,好像沒有原來就專攻燈具領域的Panasonic與Toshiba來得快。
Sharp 開始在歐洲賣LED元件。
New Sharp-LEDs: Small, Efficient and Bright
The company notes they offer a high light performance of up to 90 lumen per watt. In addition, they have an extremely long service life: depending on the type, 40,000h at a substrate temperature of up to 80°C cause extended maintenance intervals to contribute to low operation costs in addition to the high energy efficiency.
Due to different phosphor mixtures the LEDs reach a colour rendering index (CRI) of up to 90 for a highly genuine reproduction of colours and details, Colour temperatures of white light LEDs are in the range of 2.200K to 11.500K.They are available with radiation angles of 120° and 130°. The white LEDs generate a light output of up to 6.4 cd at a power consumption of 0.01 to 0.2 W.
三星成立LED子公司,合併兩家公司(SEMCO, Samsung Electronics)的LED部門。目前的產能應該是120K片/月。2010年將增長3倍產量。AIXG準備好了嗎??
It’s reported that Samsung Group's LED business unit will begin operation in June with an initial target production of 120,000 LED panels. However, Samsung indicated that this production target is not big enough to challenge leading foreign makers in terms of market share. They expect the production capacity will be tripled by 2010.
Samsung LED 背後的想法。先有技術,再有公司。雖然還只是實驗室結果,但是新公司應該會把它量產。Epistar有自己的先進技術??
The researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York of the US announced the development of a new type of blue LED in collaboration with Samsung Electro-Mechanics. The researches said the blue LED that improves light output by 18%, and the amount of electricity the LED converts into light by 22%.
SEMCO 與 Toyota Gosei簽訂專利授權協定。
신영증권은 17일 삼성전기에 대해 LED 시장 성장의 최대 수혜주라며 투자의견 '매수B'와 목표주가 5만7000원을 유지했다.
장우용 애널리스트는 "LED 사업의 장기적 경쟁력을 확보했고 1분기 실적 저점 이후 실적 개선이 기대된다"고 밝혔다.
그는 "현재 경쟁 업체의 실적 악화로 상대적 입지를 확보하고 있기 때문에 경기 반등 시 실적 회복 속도가 빠를 것"이라고 내다봤다.
아울러 "특허 문제 리스크와 관련해 일본의 LED 업체 TG(Toyoda Gosei)와 크로스 라이선스 체결로 불확실성이 해소됐다"고 덧붙였다.
"So far, Samsung has secured some 3,000 LED TV-related patents, helping us to run the new business stably," Yoon Boo-keun, president of the company's visual display division, said.
Analysts and industry watchers were positive about patents, citing a recent patent partnership in LED chips with Samsung Electro-Mechanics and Japan's Toyota Gosei.
Samsung forecasts the global LED market will grow by about 20 percent annually over the next five years, from $5.2 billion in 2009 to $12.7 billion in 2013, citing research firm studies.
韓國的電子公司增加對 LED 產業的投資。
Seoul Semiconductor managing director Saewook Chun says that his company is planning a plant expansion in anticipation of the Korean LED market expanding by 50 percent on average through to 2011.
Samsung LEDMeanwhile, Chinese state news agency Xinhua has said that electronics giant Samsung plans another $60 million investment in its Tianjin LED production facility.
Xinhua quotes Zhang Liang of the Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area Administration Commission as saying that Samsung's investment would reach $90 million. He estimated the starting capital value of the site to be $30 million.
LG DisplayThis comes after the leading TFT-LCD manufacturer formed an alliance with US LED maker Cree in January to develop manufacturing facilities for display backlighting.
The Korean government announced it would make a KRW 3 trillion ($2.43 billion) investment to push its domestic LED facilities further into the global elite a year ago.
Sharp and Toyoda Gosei enter into LED and Laser Diode Patent Cross-Licensing Agreement
Sharp Corporation and Toyoda Gosei Co., Ltd have today entered into a patent cross-licensing agreement covering LEDs (light-emitting diodes) and laser diodes.
This cross-licensing agreement grants each other the right to use inventions related to LEDs and laser diodes covered by the patents owned by the respective companies in Japan and in other countries. By entering into this cross-licensing agreement, the research and development by the two companies will be enhanced, thus contributing to the development of the ever-growing LED industry.
具兩種用途的 LED
Sharp Sells LCD Backlight LEDs for Lighting Equipment
Currently, new LED markets such as for LED light bulbs, which are replacing incandescent lamps, and the backlight units of notebook PCs and LCD TVs are rapidly expanding. Especially, in the LED market for backlight units, there are noticeable trends of increasing production volume and lowering prices as CCFL (cold cathode fluorescent lamp) light sources are being replaced with LED light sources.
As a result, new LED manufacturers might gather strength in the LED backlight market and pose threats to existing major LED manufacturers. Those new LED manufacturers allegedly include Samsung Group, which is rapidly increasing the production volume of LEDs for its LCD backlights, and LG Group.
Sharp 發表新的 LED 燈泡
The E17 base light bulbs come in two colors: daylight color and warm white color.
The daylight color product has a total luminous flux of 500lm, which is equivalent to that of a 40W incandescent light bulb. The brightness directly below the light bulb is as high as that of a 60W incandescent light bulb.
Sharp said that light bulbs with power consumptions of 60W and lower account for 90% of the demand for E17 base light bulbs, Sharp said. Therefore, most of the demand can be met by the new E17 base LED light bulbs. Their luminance efficiency is 96lm/W. And the total luminous flux of the warm white color product is 400lm.
Sharp expects that the ratio of E17 base light bulbs (including incandescent and LED light bulbs) in the Japanese light bulb market will increase from about 25% in 2008 to about 36% in 2012 in terms of unit sales.
There is no manufacturer's suggested retail price, but the expected street price is about ¥4,000 (approx US$44.95).
The E26 base LED light bulbs come in two colors: daylight color and warm white color. The total luminous flux is 485lm (with a wattage of 7.5W) for the daylight color model and 380lm for the warm white model. There is no manufacturer's suggested retail price, but the expected street price is about ¥3,000.
目前日本國產藍寶石基板(Sapphire)主要廠商包括京瓷Kyocera、新光社、並木Namiki等等,砷化鎵基板(GaAs/Gap)主要供應商包括住友電工、日立電線、三菱化學、DOWA、信越半導體等等。MO源氣體(MO Source)主要業者包括住友化學、信越化學。
日本LED晶粒大廠包括日亞化學Nichia、豐田合成Toyoda Gosei、昭和電工、東芝、松下電工、Citizen、Sharp、Stanely等等,但光是日亞化學與豐田合成在日本國內市佔率就達80%。而日本LED磊晶/晶粒產值則約佔全球30%-40%,並握有許多專利與技術優勢。
回覆刪除LED上游磊晶廠泰谷 (3339) 昨(16)日指出,將與韓國最大LED公司、全球第八大生產商首爾半導體(Seoul Semiconductor)與旗下封裝廠Seoul Optodevice合資成立新公司。
泰谷指出,為了保護專利、首爾半導體與Seoul Optodevice將持有此合資公司約51%股權,泰谷則持有49%,合資公司初步規劃資本額新台幣6,000萬元,在昨日董事會通過之後,近期將進行設立公司的相關事宜,最快可望於4月開始運作。
首爾半導體原本就是泰谷的單一最大客戶,去年占營收比重約不到20%,同時2009年也與現在為泛晶電集團的廣鎵 (8199) 成立合資公司,目前首爾半導體也是廣鎵最大客戶,雙方的持股也為首爾半導體51%、廣鎵49%。