2008年8月26日 星期二

2008AUG25 買入 PANL 14.44

* 購買理由:
1.由於PANL 與 Konica Minolta 進行專利合作,代表PANL 之OLED材料與 OLED 螢光燈材料有相關性,PANL 相當具有競爭力。
2.AUO為 PANL 前客戶,AUO重新投產 OLED螢幕,預期將增加PANL 盈收。


2 則留言:

  1. http://www.fool.com/investing/general/2008/08/26/how-to-profit-from-the-oled-explosion.aspx

    No, the real opportunity lies with the companies that invent, improve, and sell the actual OLED technology. The key OLED patent holders are Eastman Kodak (NYSE: EK), Sumitomo Chemical (after buying Cambridge Display), and Universal Display (Nasdaq: PANL). Of these three, Universal has perhaps the smallest market share with only one major panel maker under license (Samsung SDI), but it is also the player with the most to win.

  2. 原來如此啊 ... PANL 也是有求於 KONICA MINOLTA


    announced that it has been awarded a Department of Energy Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) Phase I grant under the department’s Solid State Lighting program. The company will receive $99,919 in grant funding for its program entitled ‘Enhanced Light Outcoupling in WOLEDs’. The program will reportedly focus on a novel optical outcoupling technique. The company hopes to make to double the outcoupling efficiency of the WOLEDs to about 50 percent external quantom efficiency.



