Nichia與Souel Semi的專利大戰在10月有最新進展。分別是韓國智慧財產局與美國的判決。
2008OCT03 Nichia LED patent invalidated, Seoul celebrates
韓國智慧局的智慧財產權審查會(Korea Intellectual Property Tribunal )10月1日發布的最終判決,由首爾半導體(Seoul Semi)以及旭明光電(SemiLEDs)所提出的Nichia KP 491482(482號專利)專利無效訴訟,因日亞化482號專利缺乏進步性要件,無效(invalidation)成立。
這一件無效訴訟,是由首爾半導體以及旭明光電聯手對付Nichia。旭明光電表示在2007年10月10日Nichia對首爾半導體使用旭明Mvp™ LED晶粒的LED產品侵權,使得旭明必須與首爾一起捍衛自己的專利權。旭明光電的Mvp™ LED晶粒使用一種獨特的金屬合金層,具有極佳的散熱與電導,並且有自己的專利權,旭明光電公司擁有15項專利,另有50幾項專利在審查過程中。
2008OCT10 Seoul Semiconductor wins lawsuit against Nichia
另外一則10月的首爾與Nichia新聞則是,首爾半導體在加州中區地方法院與Nichia的訴訟案。這件案子起源於首爾與Nichia 的另外一件LED訴訟案,在2007 年 12 月,首爾半導體就與Nichia 之間的專利訴訟案在法院內的判決概況向媒體發表聲明,說明首爾沒有侵害Nichia 專利權,而且不必賠償。Nichia認為這樣的聲明有誤導客戶之嫌,而依照Lanham Act(商標不正當使用法)發起訴訟。
1. 首爾半導體無需向Nichia支付任何賠償費用。
2. 首爾半導體將收到勝利的審判對於Nichia請求所有的內容。
3. Nichia應賠償首爾半導體因訴訟所産生的相關費用。
2008OCT07 晶電對廣鎵光電提起專利侵權訴訟
日 期:2008年10月07日
上市公司:晶電 (2448)
主 旨:本公司對廣鎵光電股份有限公司提起專利侵權訴訟
說 明:
- 本公司於94年1月20日收到台灣桃園地方法院關於晶元光電股份有限公司(晶電公司)控告本公司產品侵害其專利損害賠償訴訟文件。
- 由於晶電公司所有之發明第144415 號專利在其提起本件訴訟前即有三件專利舉發案在智慧財產局審理中,如經撤銷專利,即無向本公司主張專利侵害之權利;本公司亦據此理由委請律師向法院聲請在舉發案確定前,停止本件訴訟。且本公司被訴涉嫌侵權之產品係根據本公司自行研發之專利權製造生產,且已委託專家鑑定分析,認並未侵害晶電公司之上開專利。
- 本件業經法院選定國立臺灣大學嚴慶齡工業發展基金會合設工業研究中心為鑑定機關,兩造應提供型錄和樣品供鑑定,法院並命晶電公司預納鑑定費用。惟因晶電公司久未預納鑑定費用,桃園地方法院96年7月6日桃院木民忠94 年度智字第4 號函知,視為原告晶電公司撤回其訴。
- 惟晶電公司以本件無民事訴訟法第94 條之1 所定「視為撤回其訴」之情形,業於96年7月18日聲請桃園地方法院續行訴訟,經桃園地方法院裁定駁回。晶電公司於96年8月22日向台灣高等法院提起抗告,業經台灣高等法院廢棄原裁定,故本件仍應由桃園地方法院續行訴訟。
- 本公司已於97年8月4日與晶電公司就本件達成和解協議,晶電公司並已委請律師向桃園地方法院撤回上開訴訟。
unbelievable !! 不知道是只有韓國市場還是全球!
Seoul Semiconductors and Nichia Agreed to Share Patent for LED
2009/02/03 By Seo, Han & Lee, Dong-in
Nichia and Seoul Semiconductors agreed to share their patent technology, removing obstacles in access to the global market.
The prolonged conflict over patent has been terminated.
Therefore, Seoul Semiconductors will be able to remove heavy burden on its business activities, making a significant impact on the LED market in Korea.
The agreement will make Seoul Semiconductor free from legal conflicts over patent technology. It has spent more than $ 50 million on the legal issues.
Furthermore, it can gear up sales activities without any concern on the patent issues.
Generally, the legal conflicts in the LED parts have led to the legal involvement of set makers.
Therefore, the legal conflict on patent served as difficulties for makers to expand market shares. Indeed, Seoul Semiconductors enjoyed significant income rate surpassing 10% with KRW 250 billion in revenue until 2007 when it faced a legal conflict with Nichia.
But, last year, its income rate dropped to less than 4%. Particularly, Seoul Semiconductors has focused on the LED business for LED BLU and various IT products.
Therefore, the agreement will help the company have new opportunities.
Nichia, notorious for its closed attitude in patent issues, has agreed to share the patent technology with Seoul Semiconductors.
The rulings made by the Korean Intellectual Property Tribunal in July and October in favor of Seoul Semiconductors were the catalyst to Nichia.
With the ruling of the KIPT, Seoul Semiconductors stands in the better position in the lawsuit filed to the Seoul District Court.
Also, the ruling of the Korean court will affect the ruling in other countries. Furthermore, Seoul Semiconductors filed a patent lawsuit against Nichia in July, 2007, putting more pressure on Nichia.
Nichia’s patents will be expired in 2013. That also pushed Nichia to agree on the patent sharing.
Recently, the competition between leading companies and latecomers in the Led market is becoming fierce than ever before.
Seoul Semiconductors and Samsung LED are predicted to play a leading role in the LED market.
If Samsung LED begins the operation, it will be able to emerge in the market as it has large-scale investment for mass production and secures captive market like Samsung Electronics.
Also, Seoul Semiconductors which resolved the conflict against Nichia will join the competition. Then, the Korean LED market is likely to be dominated by Samsung and Seoul.
Hyosung and Iljin Groups are trying to join the competition by the vertical integration for the LED business. Now, the market keeps eyes on LG Innotek.
Recently, LG Display, LG Innotek’s affiliate, announced a strategic agreement with Cree, threatening the leadership of LG Innotek in the market.
Therefore, it needs to find an alternative to emerge as a leading company.
In the Korean Led market, Nichia’s YAG fluorescent agent is likely to become available.
Seoul Semiconductors, Samsung Electro-Mechanics and LG Innotek are using silicate fluorescent agent manufactured by Toyoda Gosei and Intermatic.
An official of Seoul Semiconductors said, “YAG fluorescent agent has great capabilities in brightness and color rendering.
We will apply various fluorescent agents and chips according to the demands in the market.”
Industry insiders say that Seoul Semiconductors need to develop its chip technology to maximize the paten sharing agreement.
是全球的專利紛爭 ...
Seoul Semi, Nichia settle patent disputes
Christoph Hammerschmidt
MUNICH, Germany — LED manufacturers Seoul Semiconductor and Nichia Corp. have settled their patent and legal disputes, agreeing on a sweeping cross-licensing arrangement.
The Korean-based rivals in the LED market had legal disputes in several countries including United States, Germany, Japan, United Kingdom and South Korea. The cross-licensing deal covers LED and laser diode technologies, permitting the companies to access all of each other's patented technologies, the companies said in separate statements.
The settlement includes all ongoing litigation except one case in Germany, which the companies expect to be resolved during a hearing in February.
中央社記者韓婷婷台北2009年2月10日電....韓國三星加速推動以發光二極體 (LED)為背光源的液晶電視,期望在高階電視中佔有重要地位,東貝光電採用璨圓晶粒,為韓國封裝廠Lumens代工,直接打入三星供應鏈,預計自 3月開始出貨...
可以先用samsung 關鍵字在左邊的搜尋框搜尋我的 blog
回覆刪除2008 32" LED TV list price 是 1400 USD 而 32" CCFL TV 年底的實際價格已經在 700 USD 盤旋了
講白一點,LED TV 不會在2009年開花結果的 ... 除非價差真的很小 ...
這兩家的新聞我追蹤了很久,你也可以用這兩家的股票代碼 tag 看看過去曾經發生了什麼事。只能說"牛牽到北京還是牛啊" ...
應該沒有什麼好奇怪的。SEMCO 本來就是韓國的LED要角,但是公司產品線還蠻廣的,現在集團集中力量在一家公司發展,應該會比較focus。看接下來會發生什麼事吧。
回覆刪除當初晶電發參予三星的LED TV供應鏈新聞就覺得沒有什麼。三星集團最大的LED供應商之一就是Nichia。參見
廣鎵的報表已經出來了... 那其他的上游廠怎麼還是不出聲???自家的結果比廣鎵差嗎???
晶電併廣鎵 LED大洗牌
回覆刪除我也很想,題目都想好了,"替晶電寫籌資劇本"。併購台灣同業是籌到資金後的某一條出路 ... 沒有時間寫啊 ... :P
Life will find its way out!
晶電專利遭到智慧財產權法院判定無效。這下有趣了 ...
雖然不太欣賞,韓國人的口氣,但是台灣的老闆就是這樣矮人一截啊。再次考濾投資 AIXG, VECO??
Samsung LED Will Surpass Nichia
On December 6, 2009, Samsung LED planned to increase their current W1.50 trillion (US$1.25 billion) investment into a W2 trillion (US$1.7 billion) investment. Samsung's sales this year was estimated to be about W600-650 billion (US$520 million). In a matter of a year, they set a goal to quadruple their sales. To do this, they will invest a large scale in the Metal-Organic vapor phase epitaxy (MOCVD). Until now, there have been about 70 established MOCVD's available, but now they are planning to increase the number to 100-150. The company already has 2 and 4 inch epiwafers available, but is planning to release their newest 6 inch epiwafer. Some people believe that Samsung's epiwafer MOCVD and R&D have better quality than Nichia's.
Another reason why Samsung LED can reach their goal is the success of LED Backlight units and LCD televisions. By next year, Samsung's production scale of LED TV's is set at 7 million. The success of these products will help Samsung surpass Nichia by next year. Nichia's scale financially is at about W2 trillion won (US$1.67 billion). If Samsung LED achieves their sales goal of W2 trillion (US$1.67 billion) by next year, it will be record-breaking.
回覆刪除日 期:2010年07月26日