2009MAR03 SemiLEDs and Nichia settle LED patent dispute
日亞化與位於美國的Semi-Photonics(為旭明光電,SemiLEDs,子公司)在大阪地方法院對案號No. Hei 19(wa)10399的專利訴訟案達成和解。和解的同時,Semi-Photonics也同時撤銷了對日亞化的其他法律訴訟。
旭明光電所開發的垂直型金屬基層(metal vertical photon, Mvp)產品,係使用由旭明所開發獨一且具有專利保護的技術,利用有彈性的銅金屬合金來作為LED熱傳導與電傳導的技術。
Nichia與旭明的和解是Nichia與首爾半導體和解的二部曲。第一個想法是 這對下游有利,因為下游的封裝商多了一個確定無專利風險的LED 晶粒來源。系統商則多了一個LED 元件的來源 Seoul Semi (有自己的晶粒來源 Seoul Optronics),可是這兩個發展都是不利於上游的晶電。
又光寶已經在2008年直接投資SemiLEDs,我認為光寶未來在高亮度 LED 封裝產品應該會有更好的產品與發展機會。
Osram 公告 Seimens News Release
OSRAM (Germany) extended the existing license with Everlight Electronics Co. Ltd (Taiwan), about manufacturing and sales of white and coloured LEDs with conversion technology for all applications. These patents are owned by OSRAM. In return Everlight granted to OSRAM a license to use housing patents of Everlight. This agreement paves the way for a closer cooperation between the two companies.
The licensed conversion technology was developed by the OSRAM subsidiary Opto Semiconductors. It enables the production of white or coloured LEDs using blue emitting InGaN (Indium Gallium Nitride) based chips and suitable fluorescent converters. With the agreement signed today the existing license agreement (September 2003) is extended - especially the right for Everlight to use this OSRAM intellectual property in all areas of application without limitations, including automotive and general lighting. In addition the parties agreed on a crosslicense which allows OSRAM to use Everlight´s housing patents.
Dr. Rüdiger Müller, CEO of OSRAM Opto Semiconductors: “Over the years, OSRAM Opto Semiconductors has built up a very strong patent position. It is the foundation of our market success.” “Today´s agreement is a perfect example for a productive and fair collaboration. But we will also continue to vigorously enforce our patent rights against companies making unauthorized use of our intellectual property”, stated Gerd Pokorny, General Counsel of OSRAM GmbH and explained:”The strength of our LED patents has been confirmed by many court rulings in various jurisdictions. Just most recently the High Court of Appeal in Beijing reconfirmed the decision of the Beijing Second Intermediate Court, that LEDs manufactured by the Taiwanese manufacturer Kingbright in China, infringes OSRAM's conversion patents.” OSRAM has signed royalty bearing license agreements with various companies – for example with: Rohm, Seoul Semiconductor, Lite-On. Harvatek, Vishay, Samsung Electro-Mechanics, AVAGO and many more.
日 期:2009年03月26日
上市公司:億光 (2393)
主 旨:億光電子與德國歐斯朗簽署專利交叉授權協定
說 明:
公關稿,SemiLEDs 試製成功 6-inch sapphire wafers
回覆刪除我認為是有的,但是我無法證實。這個問題這要問三星的產品經理了吧。請參考我曾經轉載過一篇Korea Times的文章(http://3fire.blogspot.com/2007/05/4led.html?showComment=1215766560000#c6916752482851056901),韓國人說,三星與LGE佔了Nichia 30%的營收。
回覆刪除SemiLEDs 六吋製程比較重要的部份。
Collaboration with Aixtron shows promise, but sapphire substrate prices must fall below $300 for volume production to become feasible.
But despite the joint effort's promising results and significant yield benefits, SemiLEDs does not currently have any plans to upgrade its Taiwan production lines to the larger format.
“The price of 6-inch would have to drop down to about $300 per wafer to be attractive,” he told compoundsemiconductor.net.
Tran indicated that the 6-inch sapphire substrate market is still in an early stage. SemiLEDs will have to work hard with suppliers to guarantee enough wafers of sufficient quality to use in production.
As SemiLEDs' production process involves removing the sapphire layer and replacing it with a copper substrate, Tran suggests that his company could recycle substrates to help solve this issue.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, the first LEDs produced on a 1000 µm-thick 6-inch substrate are not up to the standard of the 4-inch GaN-on-sapphire wafers that SemiLEDs produces in large volumes.
“Characteristics of devices from 4-inch wafers are better than those from 6-inch, however I don't see why we cannot improve further,” Tran said.
The Aachen, Germany, based company does however point out that larger wafers show a tendency to bow that must be controlled.
Changing the AIX 2800 G4 from 42 x 2-inch wafers to 6 x 6-inch increases the total substrate surface area it can accommodate by approximately 30 percent. Furthermore, the proportion of the overall area at the edges of the wafers, which tends to produce fewer good die, is much lower with larger wafers.
SemiLEDs推出不錯的HB LED喔
The results of the IC™ LED have been impressive as an optimized white light package, 40 mil I-core™ chip can deliver 120 lm/W, a significant improvement over its previous version.
SemiLEDs 在廣東佛山落腳,大陸官方很會砸錢啊!!
The plant facilities, which will have an area of 100 Mu and is expected to be complete by the end of 2013,
An official of Nanhai District said that the local government has set aside RMB 1 billion to RMB 2 billion to support the LED market.
In 2009, Foshan's LED output value amounted to more than RMB 10 billion. At the end of last year, the city had more than 400 LED-related firms and five research and development centers.