Epistar vs Cree
Epistar vs Osram Opto Semiconductor
Epistar vs Toyoda Gosei
不斷的有新聞報導Epistar幫Toyoda Gosei代工,再者如此Toyoda Gosei在台灣的封裝廠就不必運日本的晶粒來台封裝,所以這兩家公司似乎走的是產能代工的模式。當然就不會有專利侵權的官司可能性。
Epistar vs Nichia
Epistar vs Lumileds
94/11/11 晶電公開觀測站說明
LumiLeds公司發佈對本公司OMA產品提起侵權訴訟之訊息, 本公司經初步專利比對,OMA產品並無侵犯該公司主 張之專利,本公司目前尚未接獲正式書面通知,為維護本公司 客戶及股東權益,本公司必將依法主張權利。本公司一向專注 研發,且尊重他人智慧財產權,本公司已取得多項與OMA產品相 關之專利。
96/01/09 晶電公開觀測站說明
美商Philips Lumileds Lighting在美國國際貿易委員會(United States International Trade Commission, USITC)所提出的專利訴訟,本公司已獲得初步的勝利。美國國際貿易委員會的行政法官(Administrative Law Judge, ALJ)於一月八號作出初步決定 (Initial Determination),認為晶電的OMA與GB產品並未侵犯Lumileds 所提出的三件專利,MB產品也未侵犯該三件中的二件專利。 (註:ALJ的判定原晶電GB/OMA均無侵犯三項專利之虞)
本公司在顯示器、信號及照明應用上所使用的先進發光二極體之製造方面為領先廠商。 於2005年11月4號,Lumileds向美國貿易委員會提出訴狀,指稱晶元光電的OMA產品與國 聯光電的MB及GB產品侵犯其美國專利5,376,580、 5,502,316及5,008,718。於2005年 12月31號,晶元光電與國聯光電完成合併,晶元光電因而成為唯一之應訴方。
行政法官認為OMA與GB並未直接或間接侵犯Lumildes所指稱的三件專利,MB則並未侵犯 ’580與 ’316專利。至於’718 專利,行政法官認為MB侵犯其中二請求項。然而,MB 係晶元光電合併國聯所繼受的產品,且針對MB系列產品,晶元光電亦即將推出與 ’718專利完全無涉之設計,因此,即使美國國際貿易委員會採納行政法官的初步決定, 對晶元光電的影響亦極為有限。雖然如此,晶元光電相信該初步決定是基於對’718請求 項之錯誤解釋,並將請求美國國際貿易委員會駁回該決定。美國國際貿易委員會預計將於2007年5月8號做出終局決定。 (註:ALJ的判定原國聯MB產品侵犯依一項專利權)
96/01/24 晶電公開觀測站說明
美國國際貿易委員會(United States International Trade Commission, USITC) 的行政法官(Administrative Law Judge, ALJ),於1月11日向該委員會提出其建議性決定 (Recommended Determination)。在其決定中,行政法官不建議發出停止令(cease and desist order),亦駁回Philips Lumileds所請求將有限排除令(limited exclusion order)擴大至下游成品之要求。
在今年1月8號,行政法官作出初步決定(Initial Determination),認為晶電的OMA、GB 或MB LED產品均不侵犯Lumileds的二件“wafer bond”專利(美國專利5,376,580號及 5,502,316號)中的任一權利範圍。行政法官更進一步指出OMA及GB並不侵犯Lumileds的美 國專利5,008,718號(’718),僅有舊版MB產品侵犯了’718專利中的兩項權利範圍。根據此初步決定,縱使委員會採納了行政法官的建議性決定,亦僅有舊版MB產品會受到影 響。
在有限排除令方面,行政法官於其建議性決定中指出,只要第三人(third party)保證其所進口的產品並未包含舊版侵權的LED即可。由於晶電MB產品的新設計已無行政法官認為侵權之特徵,故只要晶電的客戶在進口時,表明其所用之MB為新版產品,即可進口。
此外, Lumileds請求排除使用晶電舊版MB LED產品之第三人下游成品,亦遭行政法官 駁回。他認為Lumileds並未提出任何證據,證明廣泛排除令之正當性。行政法官的建議性決定僅及於LED晶粒、封裝完成之LED元件、以及配有封裝晶粒之電路板,至於如交通 燈號、車用方向燈及手機等成品即使使用舊版MB產品亦完全不受影響。
晶電已向美國國際貿易委員會提出訴願,請求委員會復審關於舊MB產品設計侵犯’718 專利之決定。晶電相信行政法官對該舊產品之認定有誤,並請求委員會在其最終決 定中作出晶電產品均未侵權之決定。美國國際貿易委員會預計在2007年5月8號作出最終 決定,任何有限排除令均須在最終決定後的60天總統復審期後才開始生效。因此,即使 針對舊版MB產品的有限排除令成立,也要到2007年7月8號以後才可能開始生效。
96/05/10 晶電公開觀測站說明
2007年5月10日美國國際貿易委員會(United States International Trade Commission, USITC) 於今天針對Philips Lumileds (Lumileds) 一案公告其終局判決及有限排除令。 Lumileds於2005年11月4日向該委員會提出訴狀,宣稱晶電的OMA,GB及MB侵犯該公司之 美國專利 5,376,580(’580專利)、5,502,316(’316專利)及5,008,718(’718專利)。 在公告中,委員會確認OMA、GB及MB均未侵犯’580及’316專利。然而,在'718專利部份 ,委員會推翻了行政法官 (Administrative Law Judge, ALJ) Sidney Harris先前的初 步判決,認為OMA,GB及MB侵犯了’718專利。 ’580及’316專利是針對所謂的”wafer bonding”製程,而’718專利則是針對具有透明半導體窗戶層之LED。 根據今天宣佈之判決,ITC同時亦發佈了有限排除令。若經美國總統核准,此有限排除令將限制晶電之OMA、GB及MB產品進入美國。此排除令的適用範圍為LED晶粒,封裝完成之 LED、以及主要由封裝晶粒陣列組成之電路板。此排除令並未禁止進口包含OMA、GB及MB 產品之下游成品,且不適用於晶電其他產品。此有限排除令在最終決定後的60天總統復審期後才開始生效。在這段期間內,有限排除令所限制的產品在支付全額擔保金後仍可繼續進口。
本公司認為ITC的判決在法律上及事實上均站不住腳,並將上訴,同時要求暫緩執行有限 排除令。”我們對ITC的判決相當失望。ITC對這些專利詮釋錯誤而同意Lumileds在該公 司未發明或使用的技術上享有排它的權利,” 晶電總經理李秉傑博士表示。 儘管如此,晶電希望能將ITC的決定對客戶的影響降到最低。正如先前所宣佈,晶電已完 成能取代MB產品且不具有專利疑慮的新產品,也就是PE及PN系列,並已開始出貨。晶電 同時亦擁有能取代OMA及GB且不具有專利疑慮的新世代產品,也就是Phoenix系列,並開 始提供給客戶認證與銷售。晶電會秉持一貫的政策全力保護客戶之利益,並將排除令的 影響降到最低。
ITC Finds Infringement of Lumileds' Patent Rights and Expands Scope of Exclusion Order to Bar Importation of Epistar's OMA, MB, and GB LED Products
SAN JOSE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The United States International Trade Commission (“ITC”) today issued a Notice of Commission Decision stating that all of Epistar’s OMA, MB, and GB LED products infringe the patent rights of Philips Lumileds. In addition, the ITC has determined that it will issue a limited exclusion order prohibiting importation of those infringing LEDs manufactured by or on behalf of Epistar, its affiliated companies, parents, subsidiaries, licensees, contractors, or other related business entities. The exclusion order will also prohibit importation of packaged LEDs containing the infringing LEDs and boards primarily consisting of arrays of such packaged LEDs. Further, the Commission ordered that, during the upcoming period for Presidential review of the Commission’s decision, the amount of bond required to permit even temporary importation will be in the amount of 100% of the value of the LEDs or boards that are subject to the exclusion order.
The Commission’s Notice expands its February 22, 2007 determination in which the Commission adopted portions of the January 8, 2007, ruling by Administrative Law Judge (“ALJ”) Sidney Harris that Epistar’s MB I and MB II products infringe Philips Lumileds’ United States Patent No. 5,008,718 (“718 Patent”), that Philips Lumileds’ 718 Patent, Patent No. 5,376,580; and Patent No. 5,502,316 are valid and enforceable, and that Epistar’s OMA, MB, and GB products are not licensed under those patents. In recent weeks, the parties have submitted briefs regarding whether Epistar’s OMA I, OMA II, GB I, and GB II products also infringe. Today’s Commission decision vindicates Philips Lumileds, which has asserted throughout this investigation that all of Epistar’s accused products infringe Philips Lumileds’ patent rights.
In addition, the ITC will issue a limited exclusion order prohibiting importation of those infringing LEDs manufactured by or on behalf of Epistar, its affiliated companies, parents, subsidiaries, licensees, contractors, or other related business entities.The exclusion order will also prohibit importation of packaged LEDs containing the infringing LEDs and boards primarily consisting of arrays of such packaged LEDs.
The ITC notice expands the February 22, 2007 determination as follows:
- Epistar's MB I and MB II products infringe Philips Lumileds' US patent no. 5,008,718 ("718 Patent")
- Philips Lumileds' patents no. 5,008,718, no. 5,376,580 and no. 5,502,316 are valid and enforceable
- Epistar's OMA, MB, and GB products are not licensed under those patents.
ITC 訴訟結論
OMA 影響可能會比較大吧
回覆刪除MB 已經侵權一年多了不是
GB 聽說量少到不行吧.....
回覆刪除有人在 17, 18 進去撿了嗎 ?
回覆刪除看融資融券 ... 好像沒有多少人遭坑殺 ...
2008/01/17 17:32 時報資訊
6.增資股上市:晶電 (2448)
晶電近期成為空頭刻意打壓標的,17日早盤傳出CREE控告晶電及億光,造成兩家公司突然重挫;對此,晶電嚴正駁斥空頭傳言,晶電執行副總經理周銘俊表示,CREE是晶電在美國最大的客戶,與晶電關係良好,CREE的紅光LED由晶電供應,至於藍光部分,兩家公司也不同,如果CREE控告晶電,CREE 的紅光LED立即有供應上的問題,不可能有外傳CREE控告晶電的可能。
回覆刪除2008/01/18 08:26 時報資訊
回覆刪除9. Japan’s Nichia is continuing patent lawsuit against Korean companies
2008/07/08 By Seo, Han, Ahn, Suk-hyun
Japanese company Nichia, which has been in patent battle with local LED maker, is said to have warned Samsung Electronics, one of its big customers, for patent infringement. Recently, Seoul Semiconductor won in two year old lawsuit with Nichia for $250 compensation but Nichia shows no sign of retreat. It is said that local firms need to response jointly.
An official of LCD division in Samsung Electronics said on July 7, “We received a warning from Nichia that our LCD BLU white LED has infringed their own patent. We are currently conducting internal investigation and preparing for measures to response in multiple ways.”
The maker plans to respond after watching the result of Nachia’s patent dispute with Seoul Semiconductor while keeping in mind possibility of patent infringement. Samsung is key customer to Nichia by accounting for 30% of its world revenue along with LG Electronics. It’s because the company has numerous LED related products ranged from semiconductor and LCD to mobile phone and TV. Nichia is now putting pressure on even key customer with patent dispute so the focus is on whether it will strengthen its offence against Samsung Electronics.
It is said that Nichia warned Samsung Electronics to target LED supplier Samsung Electro-mechanics. If Samsung Electro-mechanics expands LED business aggressively and increases supply to Samsung Electronics, Nichia will hit hard.
The same theory can be applied to LG Electronics, LG Innotek concluded recently patent contract with Toyota Gosei to enhance LED business. Nichia shouldn’t lose large customer Samsung and LG to rivals. Therefore, the patent dispute with Seoul Semiconductor is an important battle to gain upper hand in negotiation with Samsung and LG Electronics.
Nichia’s such patent strategy has been widely known in overseas market. Starting with six year long lawsuit with Toyota Gosei since 1996, it has had continued patent lawsuit with Osram, Cree and Citizen. As a result of lawsuits, it has gotten mutual patent sharing and unilateral patent possession. With patent dispute, it has put pressure on companies using rival’s LED to keep market share and at the same time has gotten patent use fee. In addition, Nichia could maintain price competitiveness since patent use fee reflected to rival’s manufacturing cost.
Seoul Semiconductor said, “Nichia wants to maintain market share, rather than earning patent compensation. That’s why it has continued to file lawsuits even though it has received almost no huge compensation.” In response, an official of Nichia said, “We don’t have any special reason in lawsuit against Seoul Semiconductor. Our principle is to take stern action against companies that infringe our patent right.”
The industry predicts that Nichia will expand patent offence to not onl y LED companies but also local parts and sets industry as a whole. That’ why joint industry response like patent consortium is needed. An LED patent experts, who asked for anonymity said, “We need to pursue again the joint patent response consortium that failed in the past. If we measure kinds and value of patents in a proper way and coordinate interest of the industry not to repeat trial and errors, it will be possible.”
回覆刪除照明方面,國際大廠設下的重重專利障礙。根據工研院統計研究資料顯示,近期我國臺灣地區還有多家廠商面臨來自包括Nichia、Osram、Philips、Altair、Seoul Semi等國際大廠的專利訴訟問題,在一審中幾乎全面敗訴。近年來國際LED大廠間更透過交互授權,強化其競爭優勢,除了Cree和Philips之間尚未完成交互專利授權外,Cree已陸續與Nichia和Toyoda Gosei交互授權(Cree與日亞擴大交叉授權範圍),Osram也已與Toyoda Gosei完成交互授權(歐司朗與豐田合成簽署專利協定),至於首爾半導體雖然受到Nichia來自橫跨歐美亞三大洲的訴訟攻擊,但透過與Osram和Cree交互授權,已經有挺進LED國際六強之勢。