2008年4月9日 星期三


原文: The World's First OLED Lamp

圖片取自 : ecogreek

這是另外一個我關注的新科技領域,我認為未來10年內會出現OLED吸頂燈。本部落格未來會有一篇專文闡述 -- 次世代照明的算盤。

3 則留言:

trifire 提到...

日本研究機構提出的 OLED Lighting 的遠景


trifire 提到...


The design possibilities become even more varied as flexible OLED technology is developed. Limitations due to low lifetime are a big challenge at the moment, and the issue is being addressed by several companies and research institutes, in order to be able to achieve lifetimes that would make a viable commercial product. Once that hurdle is overcome, many more applications are envisaged.

The Research Institute for Organic Electronics (RIOE) in Japan is aiming to help with the industrialization and commercialization of OLED technology by tackling issues such as:

* Higher efficiency (comparable to fluorescent lighting), and durability at high power input. According to the RIOE, in order for OLED lighting to be used as a mian lighting source, it's luminance should reach 50000 cd/m sq.
* Lower cost panel production
* Development of new applications, in which organic electroluminescence can maintain a competitive advantage against other technologies.

trifire 提到...

OSRAM 表示將在 2012 商品化
